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Booking guarantee
Our book with confidence guarantee allows you to reschedule your tickets for free if your plans change. Find out more here!

Find out what are the facilities available to guests at and around the attraction

Where to eat near us
We are located on the Southbank area with plenty of eatery choices around us

Here are some accommodation that are near us around Waterloo and Southbank

Helpful Things to Know
Buggies/pushchairs are not be allowed inside the attraction during busy periods and can be stored in the complimentary buggy storage area. Please note, due to security reasons we are unable to accept suitcases or large items of hand luggage into this attraction. Handbags and backpacks up to a 30litre capacity will be permitted but must be carried with you at all times.
Security checks will be carried out for all guests prior to entry into Shrek's Adventure. Please ensure you do not bring prohibited items include sharp objects or anything which may be considered a security risk including penknives, scissors, metal nail files, toy or replica guns.
The experience is designed to take 45 to 60 minutes.
During your adventure you’ll meet many characters (princesses and donkeys included), but as in all fairytales you may also encounter a witch or two, which some of our younger audience may find scary! Whilst there’s no age limit, we recommend Shrek's Adventure for children aged 3-12 (and for those younger knights and princesses feeling especially brave).
Please be aware that the 4D bus at the start of the adventure is a simulation experience that includes water spray, air blasts, fog and aroma. The bus is not suitable for guests who suffer from Epilepsy, motion sickness, asthma and any other chronic illness.