Accessibility: Sensory Journey
See, Hear, Touch, Smell
Shrek's Adventure! London is an immersive experience which means that there are moments of loud noise, fake smells pumped in (like the smell of cinnamon in Muffin Man's Bakery), and interesting and varied things to look at and touch. However, we recognise this total immersion may be difficult for people who are neurodivergent or have additional sensory needs. To help you be prepared for the experience, we have put together the following sensory journey which describes each different area of the attraction.
Read on for in depth look into the sensory journey of Shrek's Adventure! London.
Entering the attraction
In this section of the attraction, you will:
- Pick up your tickets
- Ride in a lift
- Have an opportunity to use the toilets
- Have a picture taken (optional)
- At peak periods you may need to queue

Here you will enter and show or purchase your tickets. It can get quite busy in this area and sometimes there might be a queue to get in. If you need assistance at any point when queuing, then please speak to a member of the team.
Staff, guests, TV screens, security staff, security scanner, tills, ticket machines
Music, security scanner beeping, character voices, announcements over the tannoy system
Glass, plastic, rope, ticket machine screens, wooden counter, smooth, vinyl flooring
General attraction smells, food smells from outside

X Ray Corridor
After travelling through admissions and the security check, there is a corridor that leads you through to the lifts that will take you up to the starting point of the tour. There are some points in this area where you may wish to take photos.
Fun house mirrors, X ray machine, flashing lights, Marty the Zebra, Penguins of Madagascar, suitcase theming, Dreamworks posters, screen, security scanner, staff, guests
X ray machine beeping, character voices, announcements over tannoy system, music
Themed wallpaper, bannisters, smooth vinyl flooring, gradual ramp incline as you walk through corridor.
General attraction smells.

Here you will find the magic lifts to take you on your adventure. If you would rather use the stairs please speak to a member of the team. This area can get busy during peak times. The lift journey lasts about 15 seconds and a video of Gingy plays above you.
Staff, other guests, flashing lights, green ropes, two big doors, buttons, Gingy video
Character announcements and animal sounds over the tannoy system, staff member welcoming everyone, lift music, lift announcements, Gingy speaking
Lift buttons (although it is a magic lift so these don’t need to be pressed), wooden walls, ropes, smooth vinyl flooring
General attraction smells, other guests

There are toilets after you leave the lift including a disabled access toilet.
Stained glass windows, portraits of characters, entrance to toilets; male, female and accessible toilets (red emergency cord), mirrors, hand dryers, sinks, staff and guests.
Character voices in the toilets, sound effects, announcements over tannoy system, music, guests.
Doors, handles, rope, wooden, tiled flooring and glass panels.
Cleaning products

Here you will leave for your tour of Far Far Away. There is an optional photo point. You can also store buggies here but not bags. If your buggy is required for accessibility, please let our team know. There is an optional photo point here, let us know if you want to skip this.
Buggies being folded down, staff, guests, sweets, slush machine, character ears, suitcases, flashing lights, camera flashes, queues, photographs being taken, picture of Shrek and Fiona on the walls
Announcements over the tannoy, staff, guests, camera clicking, Head Tour Guide speaking to guests over a microphone, character sounds, music
Rope, Confectionary items, character ears, leather suitcases, wooden counter, carpet/wooden flooring
Sweet smell of slush
Starting the experience
In this section of the attraction, you will:
- Meet the Head Tour Guide
- Sing and dance to start the magic bus
- Ride on the magic bus to Far Far Away
- See (and smell) Shrek's Swamp

Welcome Corridor
This is the beginning of the tour, you will first be greeted by the Head Tour Guide who will describe the rules of the adventure - no phones, no photography and no touching the characters. You will then walk down the gallery which shows all of Shrek's past adventures.
The head tour guide in a blue suit, wooden podium with lots of buttons, suitcases, TV Screen showing the rules for the tour, flashing lights, portraits of Shrek characters, wooden walls, two big doors, spotlights, light patterns on the floor.
Head tour guide talking, guests joining in, announcements over the tannoy, loud music playing, Head Tour Guide introducing the portraits, fanfare sounds as the doors open, guests talking.
Wooden podium, wooden doors, carpet/wooden flooring

Bus Depot
Then the Head Tour Guide will need your help to sing and start the bus which will take you to Far Far Away.
Big red buses, tools and machinery, large TV screen showing characters, podium, boxes, suitcases, shelving with props and theming dancing, guests, haze and smoke
Head tour guide speaking on the microphone, music, bus engines, sound effects, fanfare, cheering, clapping
Big red button, wooden podium, rope, lamppost, shelves, boxes, tarmac floor
Haze and smoke

Magic Bus
If you don’t want to experience the magic bus please speak to a member of staff wearing blue who will show you to the ride bypass area where the film can be viewed on a TV screen. Priority seating is at the back of the bus. Wheelchair user's position is at the back left of the bus and a staff member will assist you.
Red bus with bench seating, a screen that surrounds the bus, a video which plays showing you flying, flashing lights, lots of characters, guests, staff member wearing blue, TV screen, on video fireworks, trains
Donkey, Fiona, The Penguins, cheering, Rumpelstiltskin and the witches, sound effects of flying and crashing, dong of big ben, music, background sounds, trains, fireworks
The plastic of the bus seats, the water spray that comes out, air blasts, spongy flooring around the bus, metal flooring on the bus
Fireworks, smoke, haze

Shrek's Swamp
You will meet Cinderella who will help you on your journey through Far Far Away.
Shrek’s toilet, leaves and bushes, Cinderella, flashing lights, a guest getting put into the toilet, water spray
Cinderella, Donkey, toilet exploding & toilet noises, music, witches
Leaves, sticks, wooden door, foliage, spongy textured floor, gold tooth (optional)
Swamp smells, haze / smoke
The Adventure!
In this section of the attraction, you will:
- Meet characters from Shrek like The Muffin Man, Doris the ugly stepsister and Puss in Boots
- Save Pinocchio from Lord Farrquuad's dungeon
- Walk through the Mirror Maze

Fortune Teller's Carriage
Here you will meet Esmo the fortune teller a cheeky cockney who might help you move forward in your quest for a small price.
Esmo, flashing lights, crystal ball lighting up, characters in projection, books, dancing, audience participation
Music, lightening, sound effects, witches, Esmo, guests
Wooden walls, tablecloth, door handle, wooden flooring. Cobbled flooring and fake stone walls leading through to the next show space.
Haze, smoke

Poison Apple Pub
Doris the ugly sister turned barmaid greets you and Puss in Boots jumps into a video screen to help you on your quest.
Doris, Puss in boots, flashing lights, water spray, piano, bar and drinks, tables and stools, fire, cauldron, hair ball.
Piano Music, thunder and lightning, Puss in Boots, witches, singing.
Wooden tables and chairs, cobble stones, wooden bar, hairball, water spray, cobbled flooring, hairball (optional). Wooden plank flooring that leads into the next show space.
Haze and smoke from the cauldron

Farquad's Dungeon
This is where you will meet Lord Farquad's henchman Thelonious and take part in his gameshow and save Pinocchio.
Benches, buttons lighting up, spotlights, red curtains, Pinocchio, Thelonious, magic mirrors, ‘Eye-phone’, haze, spinning wheel, flashing lights
Music, buzzers, mechanical noises, Pinocchio talking, witches
Chairs moving, air blasting, wooden benches, plastic button, plastic fake insect (optional), cobbled/wooden flooring. Small steps up to some of the benches
Haze, smoke

Mirror Maze
This is a walk-through mirror maze that has tight corners and can be disorientating. If you wish to bypass this section, please speak to the character before and they can assist you in moving to the next room via an alternative route. Once you enter, the only way out is with the help of a character who will come and get you.
Mirrors, screens with magic mirror playing and Shrek and donkey, low lighting, brick walls.
Shrek and Donkey, shouting, magic mirrors.
Mirrors, glass, brick wall, carpet
Haze, smoke
The Adventure Continued!
In this section of the attraction, you will:
- Meet the Muffin Man and with Donkey's help create a spell
- Enter the magic portal and be transported away
- Be locked in a prison and freed by Shrek
- Meet Shrek and take a photo with him

Drury Lane
Here you might see Sleeping Beauty and, if she’s awake, she will help you get to the Muffin Man.
Sleeping Beauty, Bags of flour, wheelbarrow, windows, podium, Gingy, spotlights, trees/foliage
Sleeping beauty, Gingy, music
Foliage, wooden door, sacks of flour
Cinnamon from the Muffin Man’s bakery.

Muffin Man's Bakery
Here the Muffin Man will help you cook up the Magic Portal with a little help from guests and Donkey
Big pot, Donkey, Muffin Man, water splashes, projection, flashing lights, lightening, Gingy, cakes and pies
Gingy, Donkey, witches, sound effects, lightening, Rumpelstiltskin, music
Onion, water splashes, mist from the pot, pavement type flooring and wooden platform area, onion (optional)
Mist, bakery smells, cinnamon

Magic Portal
You'll need to use a magic portal to get back to London!
Projection of different characters, flashing lights, foliage, and bushes
Character voices, sound effects, wind, music
Wind from the fans, air blasts, foliage, branches, smooth vinyl flooring
Haze, Smoke

The Prison
Oops the magic portal didn’t go to plan, but don’t worry Princess Fiona and Shrek are here to help you escape the prison.
Skeletons, brick walls, benches, Rumpelstiltskin, Shrek, Princess Fiona, flashing lights, barred windows, spotlight
Rumbling noise when the building shakes, Shrek, Princess Fiona, Rumpelstiltskin, music
Air blast, "rats" on your legs which feels like a ball moving inside the bench, leather benches, bricks, pavement type flooring

Shrek Meet and Greet
This is your opportunity to meet Shrek and have a photo. If you would like to skip the photo or the meet and greet, please speak to a member of the team wearing green who will be able to assist you.
Shrek, Shrek’s buddy dressed in green, camera, queue, London scene, projection of a train, low lighting, camera flashes, flashing lights
Train noises, Shrek’s buddy welcoming the group, guests, camera sounds, I’m a believer playing, loud announcements over the tannoy by Gingy
Shrek’s hand for a high five, Camera wrist band, phone box, post box, smooth vinyl flooring

Exit Corridor
Staff, guests, screens, themed wallpaper and posters, disco ball
Music, character voices, announcements over tannoy, staff, guests
Ropes, themed wallpaper, bannisters, smooth vinyl flooring, gradual ramp down as you walk through corridor leading to the gift shop.
General attraction smells
Finishing your journey
In this section of the attraction, you will:
- Play some Kung Fu Panda games
- See the How to Train Your Dragon area
- Buy photos from the photo desk
- Leave through the gift shop

Here you can visit our other DreamWorks tours destinations Berk and the Valley of Peace, this is a self guided area so you can spend as much time as you like here and take photos.
Dragons, Vikings, Kung Fu Panda, Screens, punch bags, games, iPad, rocks
Music, character voices, guests, sound effects
Rocks, punchbags, soft play cushion, plastic buttons, iPad screen, wooden flooring, some displays have slightly raised vinyl flooring

Buggy Collection, Photo Desk and Lifts
This is where you can collect your buggies and then view your photos. If you do not want to view your photos you can skip the queue and head straight to the lifts. Inside the lifts, a short video will play, the lift journey lasts about 15 seconds. If you wish to take the stairs instead of the lift, please speak to a member of the team.
TV screens, photo books, queues, staff, buggies, key rings, lifts, Gingy in the lift, flashing lights
Gingy, lift music, lift mechanics, guests talking, lift announcements
Lift buttons (although it is a magic lift so these don’t need to be pressed), wooden walls, screen, photos, carpet/wooden flooring
Other guests, general attraction smells

Gift Shop
You will exit through the Gift shop. This is where you can purchase a souvenir, this area can get quite busy so please speak to a member of staff if you require assistance.
Toys, keyrings, clothes, magnets, drinkware, sweets, drinks, shelves, characters, ice creams
Music, character announcements, staff, guests
Toys, magnets, keyrings, drinkware, sweets, shelves, ice creams, clothes, card machine, buttons, bags
General attraction smells, food smells from outside
Thank you for reading this sensory journey. If you require further accessibility information, then please see our full accessibility guide.